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RE: Competition : TP v Omnibook

I saw it in Japan last week along with some great items from Fujitsu -- 16 meg 
of ram, 1. Gig hard drives, 133 mhz Pentium for less than $1,500.  Hold on to 
your seats when they hit the USA!  The Japanese are catching up and my 701c is 
hardpressed to compete with the Toshiba Libretto I bought in April 1996 in 
Tokyo.  The keyboard is a bit of a pain but it is fast and very small.  Tosh 
now has 100 Mhz Pentiums in the same package in Japan for $1,600 (in the US 
the 75 mhz ones are still $1,995) but will have to compete soon with the 200 
Mhz stuff around the corner for less that $2,000.  IBM seems to be losing the 
battle in Japan and that's ominous.  One last note, the current small 
offerings from Mitsu and Fujitsu have DSTN screens which explains why they are 
so cheap at this time.  The TFT screens coming up to compete with Toshiba's 
Libretto will push up the price to over $2,000, I would think.


-----Original Message-----
From:	Abbas Bandali 
Sent:	Thursday, September 11, 1997 4:13 PM
To:	thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject:	Competition : TP v Omnibook

Folks, check out


*apparently* HP intends on marketing a 3.1lb, .75" thick sub-notebook with
12.1" TFT, 200Mhz ... in partnership with Mitsubishi, early in '98.

My 2 cents : 

* it ain't as sleek as the 560 (http://www.hp.com/omnibook/images/obflat.jpg)
* it looks flimsy (http://www.hp.com/omnibook/images/obcool.jpg)

I have never been a fan of HP - I prefer Apple printers to HP, and Epson
scanners to HP.  Will we be in for a shocker in '98 ???

Abbas Bandali    CSC Intelicom - Wireless Billing Systems   Champaign, IL.  

                                     ---  There's many a slip twixt cup and 