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Re: Competition : TP v Omnibook

On Thu, 11 Sep 1997, Randal Whittle wrote:
> At 10:12 AM 9/11/97 CDT, Abbas Bandali wrote:
> >
> >I have never been a fan of HP - I prefer Apple printers to HP, and Epson
> >scanners to HP.  Will we be in for a shocker in '98 ???
> 	Au contraire--I think HP makes some of the best equipment available.  They
> make the best calculators and the best palmtops hands-down.  Their printers
> and scanners may not necessarily be the "best" on the market, but there's
> no question that they lead the way and set the standard--all the rest are
> also-ran copycats that sometimes improve on the pioneering effort.

According to an HP recruiter back when I was in undergrad, one
of the tests they run on their printers is to drop it from
desktop height.  If anything breaks, it gets redesigned.  Dunno
if the other companies do that.
John H. Kim