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Re: 755cx OS upgrade (or my life sucks)

jeff kiyoi wrote:
> You're going to love this.  I get my Thinkpad back from EZ SERV and am
> ready for my OS Upgrade since they gave me a new hard drive with
> factory
> specs on it.
> I decided to go with 3.1 to 95 upgrade disks just to be safe.  So to
> make a long story short, the upgrade won't take and now it won't boot
> saying files are missng and turns itself off.  So I boot  using F5 to
> access the c drive.  Keyboard freezes up.  So I boot from an emergency
> disk.  Keyboard freezes up.  So now that my 755 has been in to repair
> 3
> times with the system board replaced TWICE, the processor card
> replaced
> TWICE and and the hard drive replaced once (loosing all my software in
> the process)
> The IBM software tech assures me this is bad hardware AGAIN and NOT
> software.  ( that's funny, I've had FOUR different EZ SERV techs
> assure
> me this is software not hardware:) So I need to contact a customer
> service board that takes 5 business days to get a respose from (iv'e
> not
> had the thing working for more than a month now).  I no longer trust
> the
> EZ SERV department for 755 models as I had who I was told was the head
> tech Scott Tarbell
> working on my machine who (aside from not returning my messages) not
> even he could get it right .
> Someone (David?) responded to me a while ago that IBM may replace a
> unit
> afetr 4 repairs so thats what I'll be shooting for.  Anyways, I'd
> apreciate the comments of anyone who has had experience in this area,
> or
> give me any of their experiences that I can use for ammo when I get in
> touch with this customer relations board.
> Thanks, Jeff
> elvislives@mindspring.com
> and
> blitzin@pacbell.net

	Try contacting Lyle Caldwell (caldwell@bellsouth.net). He hangs out a
lot in the laptop newsgroup and has helped a lot of people resolve
problems with their Thinkpad's.
Richard M. Poniarski
'95 BMW 318ti Sport
The 318ti Site: http://home.earthlink.net/~rponiarski/
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