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Re: 755cx OS upgrade (or my life sucks)

You're going to love this.  I get my Thinkpad back from EZ SERV and am
ready for my OS Upgrade since they gave me a new hard drive with factory
specs on it.
I decided to go with 3.1 to 95 upgrade disks just to be safe.  So to
make a long story short, the upgrade won't take and now it won't boot
saying files are missng and turns itself off.  So I boot  using F5 to
access the c drive.  Keyboard freezes up.  So I boot from an emergency
disk.  Keyboard freezes up.  So now that my 755 has been in to repair 3
times with the system board replaced TWICE, the processor card replaced
TWICE and and the hard drive replaced once (loosing all my software in
the process)
The IBM software tech assures me this is bad hardware AGAIN and NOT
software.  ( that's funny, I've had FOUR different EZ SERV techs assure
me this is software not hardware:) So I need to contact a customer
service board that takes 5 business days to get a respose from (iv'e not
had the thing working for more than a month now).  I no longer trust the
EZ SERV department for 755 models as I had who I was told was the head
tech Scott Tarbell
working on my machine who (aside from not returning my messages) not
even he could get it right .
Someone (David?) responded to me a while ago that IBM may replace a unit
afetr 4 repairs so thats what I'll be shooting for.  Anyways, I'd
apreciate the comments of anyone who has had experience in this area, or
give me any of their experiences that I can use for ammo when I get in
touch with this customer relations board.

Thanks, Jeff