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TP755CD and the Video Capture...


I have a TP 755CD and I am trying to get the Video Input working. From IBM
Software Site I got the Video Capturer V7320 Driver. Win95 tells me that
this one is also installed. Next I got Cu-Seeme from the site to test it -
(I have a Sony Handycam, the little digital one with S-VHS Output which I
put into the Video Input) - but CU-Seeme told me about an error. Okay I
thought, maybe another program... I took one from www.windows95.com - but
this one also wasn't able to access the driver port correctly.
Has anyone tried to use the video port and it was a success under Win95?

Ciao, Hanno
|  Hanno Wagner  | Member of the HTML Writers Guild  | Rince@IRC      |
| pgp-fingerprint: 7D C1 01 72 75 22 01 4F  6F 08 06 49 1B 02 4A A6   |
| 74 a3 53 cc 0b 19 - we did it!                                      |
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"Let this Alien Queen come in. We'll roast her with our flamers...What do
      you mean 'no oxygen in the atmosphere' ?"

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