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Re[2]: 32MB SO-DIMM for 701

     Upgrading the 701's memory is no big deal.  Just
     plug the so-dimm and go.  a lot less paging
     to the hard drive.

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Subject: Re: 32MB SO-DIMM for 701
Author:  "Paul Khoury" <pkhoury@earthlink.net> at Internet
Date:    8/19/97 5:50 PM

Can anyone on the list tell me of any experiances/problems, 
and especially pricing on 32MB SO-DIMM upgrades?  I want
to bring my 701 up to 40MB RAM so Warp (and Linux, when I
put it on) goes faster.  Also, does anyone have, or know where 
I can purchase a 360MB drive for a 701 (preferably with caddy) 
for less than $100, under $80 possibly?
Also, can those who use some version of OS/2 on their 701's 
who upgraded to 24MB or 40MB tell me about their experiance?
Thanks all,
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From: "Paul Khoury" <pkhoury@earthlink.net>
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Date: Tue, 19 Aug 97 17:50:51 
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Subject: Re: 32MB SO-DIMM for 701
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