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RE: thinkpad digest for Wed, 13 Aug 1997

It seems that they have earned the "bum rap" they are getting by using
an informative news group for commercial purposes - a purpose for which
the list is not designed.  Furthermore, I have read requests from
several people for details substantiating their performance figures, but
they have been silent . . . except to plug a product.  :-(

Lastly, if you needed help with a problem and Paul was the only one with
the knowledge of the fix, you would be begging for him to post the
answer.  Does anyone complain that a professor monopolizes the
discussion in a class???  The idea here is to listen to those who have
the knowledge you need.  If Paul knows the answers, then let him post.
If you don't care for the quantity of his posts, then you learn more
than he knows so that you can take his place in helping others fix

In the meanwhile, stop whining.

Keep it up Paul.  Hoo-rah!
Galen Garrison

>From: 	Ken Manheimer[SMTP:klm@cnri.reston.va.us]
>Sent: 	Wednesday, August 13, 1997 2:49 PM
>To: 	Paul Khoury
>Cc: 	ThinkPad List; rwking@ipa.net
>Subject: 	Re: thinkpad digest for Wed, 13 Aug 1997
>> On August 13, Robert W. King <rwking@ipa.net> wrote:
>> >Hi Paul (or anybody else who wants to chime in)!
>> >
>> >I've more or less decided to upgrade my 701CS to a 2.1 gig hard drive
>> >presuming
>> >I can find one for a price I can afford. The problem is identifying
>> >vendors who
>> Yeah, be careful about Poop Portable Enhancements, after
>> all the spamming and kiss-ups they've done on this list.
>I find this to be offensive.  I happen to thing that portable
>enhancements have been getting a bum rap by a vocal minority
>(actually, on the basis of his amount of posting, on his own paul
>would seem to constitute a vocal majority:-), but had been quiet about
>it.  However, i think the kind of thing you're spouting now is
>unnecessary, gratuitous, and in fact injurious to some people's
>livelihoods, and that's not fair.
>I should say that i have *no* connection with the company, other than
>being a satisfied customer.  I got a 2.1 gig drive from them (which i
>reported on the list, at the time) for a decent price and with very
>decent results.  I felt well informed by them - in particular, i found
>them to be quite candid about the impact of getting a CPU upgrade when
>i enquired of it in person.  (They cautioned that i might not see a
>big performance increase in the 701, for the reasons that have been
>bandied about on the list, and i did not do so.)  I feel that their
>postings are in general *not* out of bounds, and would have no
>hesitation about recommending them.
>Regardless, i consider the remarks to be excessively snide and
>uncalled for, and don't like to see that on the list.  Please stop
>(and maybe consider slowing down your posting rate, so you have to do
>fewer posts and reposts to get some information out)!
>Ken Manheimer		klm@cnri.reston.va.us