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Re: thinkpad digest for Wed, 13 Aug 1997

On Wed, 13 Aug 1997 14:49:08 -0400 (EDT), Ken Manheimer wrote:

>> On August 13, Robert W. King <rwking@ipa.net> wrote:
>> >Hi Paul (or anybody else who wants to chime in)!
>> >
>> >I've more or less decided to upgrade my 701CS to a 2.1 gig hard drive
>> >presuming
>> >I can find one for a price I can afford. The problem is identifying
>> >vendors who
>> Yeah, be careful about Poop Portable Enhancements, after
>> all the spamming and kiss-ups they've done on this list.
>I find this to be offensive.  I happen to thing that portable
>enhancements have been getting a bum rap by a vocal minority
>(actually, on the basis of his amount of posting, on his own paul
>would seem to constitute a vocal majority:-), but had been quiet about
>it.  However, i think the kind of thing you're spouting now is
>unnecessary, gratuitous, and in fact injurious to some people's
>livelihoods, and that's not fair.
>I should say that i have *no* connection with the company, other than
>being a satisfied customer.  I got a 2.1 gig drive from them (which i
>reported on the list, at the time) for a decent price and with very
>decent results.  I felt well informed by them - in particular, i found
>them to be quite candid about the impact of getting a CPU upgrade when
>i enquired of it in person.  (They cautioned that i might not see a
>big performance increase in the 701, for the reasons that have been
>bandied about on the list, and i did not do so.)  I feel that their
>postings are in general *not* out of bounds, and would have no
>hesitation about recommending them.
>Regardless, i consider the remarks to be excessively snide and
>uncalled for, and don't like to see that on the list.  Please stop
>(and maybe consider slowing down your posting rate, so you have to do
>fewer posts and reposts to get some information out)!
>Ken Manheimer		klm@cnri.reston.va.us
I'm sorry to everyone for getting carried away about the
Portable Enhancements, but it was getting to my head
that my mailebox was full of their online catalogs, maybe
Cc:ed to thinkpad@cs.utk.edu.  Again, I hope that everyone
else can except my apoligies for this, and I don't mean to post
so much to the list, but I like to answer each message most of the time
(since I now have the time), and I enjoy teaching others as well.
Thank you for your time.


Paul Khoury