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Re: NT on 750?

Well I put NT 4.0 on my 701 (DX4/75, 40MB RAM, 1.3 GB HDD) about 6 months
ago and its been running just fine; in fact it ran fairly well with 24 MB
RAM although there was a bit of disk thrashing which is why I went to 
40MB. It doesn't have alot of the APM and while it will hibernate, coming
out of hibernation is something of a bummer as the modems will not work 
until re-boot and the system clock has to be reset. The best  point is 
that in the 6+ months running NT the box has *never* crashed; I have had
to kill a task or two but I've never had to re-boot.

On Thu, 7 Aug 1997, Randal Whittle wrote:

> At 10:07 AM 8/7/97 +0500, Victor Kress wrote:
> >Now that Microsoft of Borg has assimilated Macintosh, I am considering 
> >accepting the invitable and migrating to NT from Warp 4.  My decision 
> >rests partially on whether I can convert all my machines, including my 
> >trusty TP750.  Is it possible to do a stripped down install of NT 4.0 
> >on a 750 with 20 megs and a 540 meg disk?  Will it be too slow to be 
> >usable?  Should I just wait until the 750 goes serial numbers up and I 
> >am forced to upgrade hardware?
> 	Just my opinion of course, but I wouldn't put NT on my 560 with 40 MB of
> RAM and a 2.1 GB HD, let alone on a 750 with 20 MB RAM (I used to own a 750C).
> 	Just WAY too much of a memory & general resource hog.  Running it on
> anything less than a Pentium is sort of iffy, but more
> importantly--anything less than 32 to 48 MB of RAM?  I don't think its a
> great idea.
> 	I had NT 4.0 running on a Pentium Pro 200 MHz with 96 MB of RAM--that
> seemed to work very well.
> 	But I wouldn't do anything more than Win 95 on a 750.
> -------
> Randal J. Whittle		whittle@usc.edu	(213) 740-7775
> Director, Electronic Commerce Program
> Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California