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RE: NT on 750?


On Thursday, August 07, 1997 18:23, rj wrote:
>Well I put NT 4.0 on my 701 (DX4/75, 40MB RAM, 1.3 GB HDD) about 6 months
>ago and its been running just fine; in fact it ran fairly well with 24 MB
>RAM although there was a bit of disk thrashing which is why I went to 
>40MB. It doesn't have alot of the APM and while it will hibernate, coming
>out of hibernation is something of a bummer as the modems will not work 
>until re-boot and the system clock has to be reset. The best  point is 
>that in the 6+ months running NT the box has *never* crashed; I have had
>to kill a task or two but I've never had to re-boot.

-I don't have the RAM or the HD, but I do have the 701, so I'd just
like to know... how long does it take to boot? 
-I take it you're using NT4Workstation. 
-Do PCMCIA-Network-Cards work?
-Hmmm, what else? Multiple hardware configs? Docked/undocked?
-Oh- hibernate you say... how about suspend? While I'm at it...
the Dial-Up-Networking Upgrade 1.2 for Win95 seems to have killed my
ability to hibernate - I see the screen upon wake-up and it reboots
instantly. Hibernating with the Start-Menu-Option just the same.



.                  Axel Hartmann                                           .
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