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Warp4 on a 701 (was: NT on 750)

Chris Hanson wrote:

>    From: "Victor Kress" <kress@u.washington.edu>
>    Date: Thu, 07 Aug 97 10:07:25 +0500
>    Now that Microsoft of Borg has assimilated Macintosh, I am
> considering
>    accepting the invitable and migrating to NT from Warp 4.
> (snipped...)
> I think you will find NT very sluggish on this machine.  I tried NT 4
> on my 755C with 36 MB of RAM and found it to be painful.

If he was running Warp4 he must be accustomed to sluggishness. I
installed it on one of the two hard drives for my 701 (DX4/75, 24mb) and
find it to be very slow compared to Win95, which runs quite well on the
other hard drive with the same machine.

Though I like some things about Warp4, I'm baffled as to why there is no
feature for file management, like File Manager/Explorer on the Windows
system. This omission alone makes it almost too tedious to use. I assume
there are OS/2 file manager programs one can buy. But given that it
already comes with an array of Bonus Pack application, why would IBM
leave out something so basic?