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NT on 750?

   From: "Victor Kress" <kress@u.washington.edu>
   Date: Thu, 07 Aug 97 10:07:25 +0500

   Now that Microsoft of Borg has assimilated Macintosh, I am considering 
   accepting the invitable and migrating to NT from Warp 4.  My decision 
   rests partially on whether I can convert all my machines, including my 
   trusty TP750.  Is it possible to do a stripped down install of NT 4.0 
   on a 750 with 20 megs and a 540 meg disk?  Will it be too slow to be 
   usable?  Should I just wait until the 750 goes serial numbers up and I 
   am forced to upgrade hardware?

I think you will find NT very sluggish on this machine.  I tried NT 4
on my 755C with 36 MB of RAM and found it to be painful.  I think the
problem is the amount of RAM more than anything else -- NT wants lots
of it.  My current feeling is that 64 MB is "enough" for NT.

As an alternative, Linux runs extremely well on these small machines;
it's the only thing I run on my 755C these days.  But I suspect that
isn't a viable alternative for you, or you would have tried it