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Re: 701c --> Pentium

On Sat, 19 Jul 97 23:19:52 HST, David Ross wrote:

>> I must disagree on one of your points. It is true that the AMD is not a true
>> Pentium, but in our tests, it benchmarks out as fast as a Pentium 75.
So does that mean that I can compare a 386DX-40 to a 486SX-25, because 40 sounds better than 25?  
Besides, the Pentium uses 64-bit architecture, not only 32-bit like all the 386's and 486's and you AMD 
upgrade.  And what OS do you use your benchmarks on?  There are many of us out here who also use OS/2 
and Linux, and different processors meet different needs, so you offering may end up being completely false if 
we are running mission-critical apps or something, rather than just looking for something to up the speed on 
our 486 boards.  And BTW, don't forget about PCI vs. 8MHz ISA bus, on the majority of 486's, except for 
VLB, and in rare cases, PCI and EISA.
Paul Khoury

Paul Khoury