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Re: 701 HD compatibility

On Thu, 12 Jun 97 12:52:28 -0800, laniear@ibm.net wrote:

>//--- forwarded letter -------------------------------------------------------
>> Date: Thu, 12 Jun 97 09:16:31 -0700
>> From: "Peter Lewis" <pele@WOLFENET.com>
>> To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
>> Subject: 701 HD compatibility
>> IBM 701 tech support guy I spoke with today advised against installing any
>> thing other than an IBM HD into the 701. He maintained that non IBM drives
>> either wouldn't fit, or if they did fit, would not work because of a
>> proprietary IBM connector. 
>This is not true.  There are compatible hard drives.  I bought a 1.1 GB drive last spring 
>and not only does it fit and work, it is also covered under the ThinkPad warranty and NO it 
>is not an IBM drive.  Also, I was referred to the manufacturer by tech support.
What brand is the drive, and how would you compare it with the IBM drive (faster, quieter, etc.)?


Paul Khoury