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Re: Internet Sources for TP750 RAM

At 11:46 PM 6/9/97 -0700, Craig Larsen wrote:
>(all prices are USD $)
>Kingston is not "Thinkpad Approved".  One may wonder why..
>the only two thinkpad approved memory vendors are Apex Data
>and Apricorn.   I've got 2 32MB Kingston DIMM's in my 760ED.
>Cost: $300.  They work fine.   Apricorn's would have been
>$350 each.

	There are other "ThinkPad Approved" memory vendors.  I know for a fact
GoldenRAM is one.

Randal J. Whittle	whittle@usc.edu	http://www-scf.usc.edu/~whittle
Director of Electronic Commerce, Marshall School of Business at USC