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Re: Internet Sources for TP750 RAM

At 10:33 PM 6/9/97 +0100, you wrote:
>I asked this question once ages ago, but have lost the
>replies I got.  Can anyone point me to any _reputable_
>sources for ordering a 16MB Ram upgrade for my 
>Tp750?  I'm looking for either true-blue IBM
>memory or IBM-approved. (Is Kingston approved? What else?)

(all prices are USD $)

Kingston is not "Thinkpad Approved".  One may wonder why..
the only two thinkpad approved memory vendors are Apex Data
and Apricorn.   I've got 2 32MB Kingston DIMM's in my 760ED.
Cost: $300.  They work fine.   Apricorn's would have been
$350 each.

The thing to watch out for with Laptop memory is that they
don't "stack" the ram.  My Kingston 32MB DIMM's have 4 chips
on each DIMM.  A "stacked" DIMM would have about 8 or 10.
I could have bought 2 "stacked" Hitachi 32MB DIMMs for my
TP for $240 each, but I found out that this would have been
the absolute worst solution: high power consumption, poor

BTW, does anyone know if there is a 760ED specific mailing
list ?


Craig Larsen