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Re: New TP 560?

At 01:17 PM 6/6/97 -0400, Jeff Sokolov wrote:
>Thanks for the information.  Looks like a big step forward.  It gives them
>some increased horsepower prior to mobile Pentium II availability.  Now
>let's hope that it isn't priced exorbitantly.

I still don't understand how they justify the current pricing..

Looking at a catalog from the hartford computer group,

	$2499 560 133mhz/8mb/2gb 11.3" dual scan screen
	$4312 560 133mhz/8mb/2gb 12.1" active screen

	$1800 for an active screen that's less than an inch larger???

I have the active model, and it looks great (company machine), but I don't
know if I could have justified that to myself if it were my money,
especially with the improvements made in the dual scan displays.