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Novice Advice--Oops!

I forgot to mention in my advice on changing the hard drive:

In order to stick that 2.5" into your desktop machine (temporarily), you'll
need to buy an adapter from a place like Fry's Electronics.  It costs $5 to
$7, and if you need to have both drives in the desktop machine at the same
time (which you *will* need to use Drive Copy), you'll need two of them.

Sorry for the mistake...

Randal J. Whittle	whittle@usc.edu	http://www-scf.usc.edu/~whittle
Director of Electronic Commerce, Marshall School of Business at USC

"I'm tough-minded.  I'm tough in business situations.  I'm really focused and
have little time.  I guess I'm also relatively blunt.  So if you want to know
if I'm intense, competitive, focused, blunt, and tough, yes.  That's fair.
I'm guilty.  ...  But if arrogance means pride, wanting to take credit for
everything, not seeking others' advice, I don't think those are fair
characterizations."  (IBM Chairman Lou Gerstner in _Fortune_, 14 Apr 97)