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Re: Laptops safety at the airports

At 11:29 AM 5/8/97 -0400, John Kim wrote:
>Most airports (international AND domestic) won't let you walk
>through the metal detectors nowadays unless you have a ticket.

I've probably taken over 50 flights in the last year, covering maybe
8 airports.  Only once,
on a foriegn airline's terminal, have I needed a ticket to get 
in the gate area.

>It seems an awful lot of work and risk to forge/buy two tickets 
>just to get a shot at stealing a laptop from right in front of
>a bunch of security guards, where the only escape route (other
>than getting on a plane, for which the thief must buy a real
>ticket) is back past the same security guards.

Big city airports (ie chicago, washington) have multiple exits
from the gate areas.  Most computer cases are pretty anonymous
looking, and in a team effort the guy taking it out won't be the
same guy who stole it.

-Don Perley