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Re: Laptops safety at the airports

John Kim wrote:
> Most airports (international AND domestic) won't let you walk
> through the metal detectors nowadays unless you have a ticket.

You and I must travel in completely different places. In the past year,
I've put in about 80k air miles in the US, France, Germany, and Japan.
Except for international terminals that check passports before security,
I have *never* been asked for my ticket before going through security.

That said, the first alert I saw was actually from the security teams at
either SFO or SJC (I don't remember which). It was also recently
featured on one of the news programs on television (which I caught in a
hotel fairly recently). That doesn't mean that it's not urban legend,
but I think it has some level of validity. However, I suspect that the
publicity has pretty much squashed the effectiveness. I still keep my
eyes on my bags, and actually arrange them on the belt in a way that
allows me to be sure that I can see the notebook case when it emerges.
Steve Hultquist, President                   Worldwide Solutions, Inc.
Internet Integration - Technology Engineering        Boulder, Colorado
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