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Re: irc/2

Actually I've been an OS/2 user since version 1.0 SE.  I'm also an IBM business partner, 
however you are right, I meant to say Internet Adventurer.  Sorry, I don't know what came 
over me.  (BTW, I also went to Camp Cambridge.)


>    Internet Explorer has chat built-in.
>    > Are anyother chat programs besides irc/2 available for os2warp
>    > ver. 3.?  I have another computer with win95 which is using
>    > perch, but I do not know if that is available for os2.
> There's probably an alternate universe somewhere in which Microsoft
> has ported IE to OS/2.  But in this universe, I think it has the same
> probability as "hell freezing over".  Or maybe it's something like
> "over Bill's dead body".
> I guess you're not an OS/2 user.
> I'm not trying to be unpleasant, or to demean you.  But for those of
> us who use OS/2, the Microsoft war against OS/2 is, unfortunately, a
> central fact of our computing lives.
> What scares me is the idea that Bill will decide that Linux is worthy
> of some similar "attention".  I'm not sure what he could do about it
> (Give away all MS software in a spirit of sharing?  That'll teach
> those scruffy bastards!), but I don't really want to find out, either.

||    Lee Laniear                                           ||
||    laniear@ibm.net  OR  laniear@netcom.com               ||
||                                                          ||