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   Date: Mon, 14 Apr 97 19:31:33 -0800
   From: laniear@ibm.net

   Internet Explorer has chat built-in.

   > Are anyother chat programs besides irc/2 available for os2warp
   > ver. 3.?  I have another computer with win95 which is using
   > perch, but I do not know if that is available for os2.

There's probably an alternate universe somewhere in which Microsoft
has ported IE to OS/2.  But in this universe, I think it has the same
probability as "hell freezing over".  Or maybe it's something like
"over Bill's dead body".

I guess you're not an OS/2 user.

I'm not trying to be unpleasant, or to demean you.  But for those of
us who use OS/2, the Microsoft war against OS/2 is, unfortunately, a
central fact of our computing lives.

What scares me is the idea that Bill will decide that Linux is worthy
of some similar "attention".  I'm not sure what he could do about it
(Give away all MS software in a spirit of sharing?  That'll teach
those scruffy bastards!), but I don't really want to find out, either.