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Re: Aftermarket Battery Source

>Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 06:57:00
>To: Mark Goldstein <markg@xroads.com>
>From: Bryan Daum <allied@mail.teleport.com>
>Subject: Re: Aftermarket Battery Source
>I just called Extend  (nice, helpful people  rep put an engineer on the
phone) and got some interesting news:
>They tell me that, indeed the NiMH batteries have a memory problem like the
old Stuper NiCAD.  The engineer said that the battery should be discharged
completely prior charging but the probem lies in the fact that that the TP
doesn't completely discharge the battery.
>The correctiion for the problem they suggest is their battery
conditioner/charger that costs around a hundred bucks...I'm going to check
on the price later today.  The conditioner aspect fully discharges the
battery in a proper manner (shorting is a BIG no no and  maybe dangerous) to
then recharge the battery to proper strength.  They suggest the battery can
last possibly twice as long if properly charged/conditioned.
>So has anyone used one of these conditioners?  ?  ?
>They also mentioned that there is a new NiMH battery that is being
developed that will have extended life...similar to the lithium batteries.
Not out yet but soon they implied.