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Re: TP 560: DSTN vs TFT

> The TFT model of the 560 is still extremely expensive
> (the more so as it doesn't carry more than a 1 year
> warranty).
> Who is using the DSTN model and could comment on the
> screen quality?
> In particular, I'd like to know how it compares with
> the 701 DSTN screen.

I'm currently moving from a (TFT) 701c to a DSTN 560, courtesy of IBM;
my big worry was the screen type change.  Side by side, the latter is
clearly less bright than the former, and has a narrower angle in which
everything is visible. Moreover, the extra .8 inch of screen isn't
much of an improvement.  However, it is substantially better than I'd
anticipated: very good color saturation and decent contrast.  The
unavoidable ghosting is still there, and of course no more video games,
but overall acceptable.

BTW, I still think the 701 is a much better thought-out machine: form
factor is better, keyboard is bigger with deeper travel, and I already
miss the reverse-video function key.

- David