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Re: Insurance and Delivery

     I bought my 701C from IBM Direct last May.  They used DHL.
     It arrived 7 days after the order - which surprised my.
     They did not leave it at the door.  You should be sure to
     specify that.
     My 701 is insured with State Farm, under my homeowner's policy.
     StateFarm just wanted a copy of my receipt.  The policy covers
     replacement due to theft or destruction.

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Subject: Insurance and Delivery
Author:  <Disneyjazz@aol.com> at Internet
Date:    4/2/97 1:13 PM

Hi.  Has anyone ordered a Thinkpad from IBM Direct?  If so, do you remember 
how long it took?  What shipping company do they use?  Will they leave it at 
the door, or must you sign for it?
Also:  Does anyone have their laptop insured?  I am going to insure mine 
under my home-owner's policy.  Does anyone know what will be covered bt doing 
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