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Re: Modem connect speed, and big disk+Win 95 on tp701

I gave up on the 3com modem...it just will not connect reliably.  I too had
disconnects...it is now sitting in my desk drawer.  I will wait for
Motorola to introduce a Montana card that does 56k.  Egghead is selling the
USR 33.6 for $219.00 that will flash to 56k...but they are having problems
making 56k work.  I heard that people are bring them back to the stores for
credit.  But, you should get the new USR 33.6 to connect at 31.2 most of
the time with a good phone line.

The 701's internal 14.4 modem (with compression) will yield 19.2 very
reliably and works excellent with Win/95.


Bill Pratt, Bellevue, WA
"No matter where you go...there you are"!

> From: Ken Manheimer <klm@CNRI.Reston.VA.US>
> To: ThinkPad Mailing List <thinkpad@cs.utk.edu>
> Subject: Modem connect speed, and big disk+Win 95 on tp701
> Date: Wednesday, April 02, 1997 10:25 AM
> I have some questions that probably have more to do with win95 and 
> dialup connections, but i also have some nice reactions to some
> enhancements of my TP 701cs, that occasioned the questions, that are
> worth reporting.
> First, the questions:
> Can anyone tell me whether there's anything i could/should be doing to
> get win95 dial-ups to my provider to connect at the max speed?  I'm
> using a 3Com PCMCIA EtherLink III combo modem in my thinkpad 701, and
> Netcom has 28.8 modems, but the connections are always reported as
> 24000 or 26400.  ?
> Also, i frequently, but sporadically, lose the connection.  Sometimes
> it happens moments after connection, but it seems like i often don't
> see it until after i've been online for half an hour or an hour, and
> it's not unusual for me to be able to be connected for hours before it
> happens.
> Could these problems be due to a noisy phone line, or something like
> that, or are there some software settings i should be tweaking?  I
> tried a few things, like mucking with the input/output buffers
> ("Advanced" settings in the modem properties sheet), with zero
> noticeable effect.  Any suggestions would be apppreciated.
> So.
> To add a bit of TP relevancy, i recently gave in to disk space
> pressures and invested some bucks - $750, to be exact - in my aging
> thinkpad.  I got a pepsales 2.1 GB toshiba disk, to replace my IBM 720
> MB one.  (720 isn't small, but easily gets crowded with full linux and
> Windows installations.)  Not cheap - $750 for the do-it-yourself kit -
> but i'm quite pleased with the improvement!
> For the pepsales 701 upgrade disks, "do-it-yourself" means pop in the
> disk, and figure out how to format it.  There actually would be a
> reason to pay the additional $50 to have them do the job - they'll
> transfer the personality from the old disk for you.  However, i wanted
> to take the opportunity of a fresh disk to give Win 95 a try, in
> addition to doing an upgrade to Redhat 4.1 on the Linux side.
> Which brings me to my next item - i am quite glad i gave '95 a try -
> there is no way i would go back to to Win 3.1.  I think the user
> interface is, finally, worthwhile, and more importantly, the included
> ppp networking and array of drivers means i can get a substantial
> system set up without creating a godawful, fragile mess!  (Plug and
> play found drivers for my modem, ethernet card, SCSI adaptor, zip
> drive, and CDROM cards without blinking.  I was able to get them all
> going in win31, but it was a major trauma *every* time i had to add
> somethign new.  Yuck!)  I suppose there's a degree of luck in whether
> or not your particular stuff is accommodated, but if it is (or if the
> vendor makes available suitably packaged drivers), it's an incredible
> relief!
> I'm a bit embarrassed to admit it, being a bit of a unix bigot, but
> with the nice UI, well integrated PPP and FAX capabilities, ability to
> use the lotus smartsuite that came with the thinkpad, etc, it turns
> out that i now spend more time in Win95 than in Linux.  Oh well...-)
> (Note that i have no affiliation with either pepsales or microsoft -
> just a satisfied customer.  ... Though i do think microsoft charges
> *way* too much for their software, despite my appreciation ...)
> Ken Manheimer		 klm@python.org		    703 620-8990 x268
> 	    (orporation for National Research |nitiatives
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