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Sit 'n' Thinkpad Connectivity

Hi List,

On 1. April 1997 07:39, Randy Whittle[SMTP:rwhittle@usa.net] wrote:
>At 05:59 PM 3/31/97 -0500, John Kim wrote:
>>floors without incident (the one which nearly killed it was onto
>>a tile surface - don't ask :).  What I *do* worry about is a
>	So I'm not the only one who takes his ThinkPad into the 
>bathroom to "think"?!

Are wetroom approved IR-Ports available for such
places and how does one explain them to non-geeks?

I also find most fixtures are too much rounded and 
slippery, and I hate balancing a TP (ThinkPad, not 
ToiletPaper) on the edge of a sink.

"Honey, the Loo-LAN is down..."


                 Axel Hartmann                                       .
 Paper         : Blumenstr. 15; 76133 Karlsruhe; Germany             .
 Voice         : [0|xx49] 721 - 27115                                .
 E-Mail        : Axel.Hartmann@stud.uni-karlsruhe.de                 .
 Homepage      : http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~Axel.Hartmann          .