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Internet Connection Phone and TP760!!!

I'm having trouble getting my TP760CD running Windows 95 to send audio properly with Microsoft Netmeeting 2.0 beta 4.  Sometimes mmtask crashes and sometimes it's completely quiet and sometimes it works but at very low microphone sensitivity.

The remote application control is very neat.

Does anyone have this working?


>Date: Mon, 31 Mar 1997 07:15:15 -0700
>From: Bob Angell <aimsllc@ibm.net>
>Reply-To: aimsllc@ibm.net
>Organization: Applied Information & Management Systems
>To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
>CC: thinkpads@cs.utk.edu
>Subject: Internet Connection Phone and TP760!!!
>Comment: to {un}subscribe, send mail to thinkpad-REQUEST@cs.utk.edu
>Anyone here on the list been able to get the Internet Connection
>Phone or CoolTalkz to work under the TP760 (E/ED/EL/etc)?  Any
>help setting up the mwave modem would be appreciated.
> 1 Bob Angell, Principal - Sys. Engineer/Author/Consultant
> 2 Applied Info & Mgnt Sys, 1238 Fenway Ave., SLC, UT 84102 
> 3 v: 801-583-8544 e: aimsllc@ibm.net / bangell@cs.utah.edu
> 4 --------------------------------------------------------
> 5 Applied Info & Mngmnt Systems has services as follows:  
> 6 Intra/Internet, Notes, Multiplatform integration
> 7 Networking (TCPIP,etc), Custom (AWK-PERL-C-Visualizer),
> 8 Database dsgn/dev. (DB2-SQLserver-Oracle-etc.), Modeling
> 9 OS's (Win95;Warp/NT Server; AIX / HP-UX / SunOS; OS/400)
>10 --------------------------------------------------------
>11 "Had Mama Cass and Karen Carpenter shared that Ham sand-
>12 wich, they would both be with us today!"