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New BIOS for Thinkpad 760E+ models

What follows are excerpts from the README for the new bios.

IBM ThinkPad 760E/760ED/760EL/760ELD                February 28, 1997

System Program Service Diskette Version 1.07

What This Diskette Does

The System Program Service Diskette given here can update the system
program stored in the ThinkPad system to fix problems, add new
or expand functions. The supported models are as follows.

   - ThinkPad 760E* , 760ED*, 760EL and 760ELD

     *  IMPORTANT NOTICE for 760E/760ED system users;
            If you display is an XGA (1024 x 768), this diskette does
            NOT support your BIOS.  Please update your BIOS with the
            "IBM ThinkPad 760E/760ED XGA System Program Service

 - (Fix) (Windows 95 only) Error pop up "1101" at power-on time when
the serial port confugration is changed by the Device Manager of
Windows 95 and the system is "docked".


Tom Kustner
Tom Kustner                   Emjay Corporation    
System/LAN Administrator      725 W. Glendale Ave.
Email: tom.kustner@emjay.com  Glendale, WI  53209-6509  USA
Any opinions are mine and not necessarily those of Emjay.