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RE: Eye strain with 1024 * 768?

I've been using a Toshiba Tecra with XGA resolution on a 12" screeen for about a year now and I love it.  I dock it at the office with a 17" monitor set to the same resolution, and I find I really like looking at exactly the same screen whether it's docked or not.  In terms of eyestrain, best way to check this out is to find an laptop with a SVGA resolution on a 10" screen (e.g., a TP 365X), as this resolution is close (though not identical) to XGA on a 12" screen.

If you're still worried about eyestrain after that, and you're not locked into IBM, you might want to consider a Toshiba Tecra 740CDT (MMX), which runs XGA on a 13.3" screen.  You can get information on this model at: 



Dane Tyson
-----Original Message-----
From:	dmohr [SMTP:dmohr@nbnet.nb.ca]
Sent:	27 February 1997 12:01
To:	thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject:	Eye strain with 1024 * 768?

I expect to purchased the 760XD (MMX) when it becomes available in the next
quarter.  It comes with a 1024 by 768 screen.  I have heard that these
screens can be difficult to read.  I would like to hear from people who
presently have a thinkpad with a 1024 by 768 screen regarding how legible
they are.  I have not been able to find a vendor where I live who has such
a notebook so I need some advice from others.  Thanks in advance.

Best, Doug