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Re: Does Solaris support mwave..? (fwd)

>>>>> "Dave" == Dave Ahn <ahn@indigo2.rad.bgsm.edu> writes:

 >Dave> Since I do not have a TP with MWave, I've never tried this.
 >Dave> However, for experienced Linux users, I would recommend the
 >Dave> following "hack" which might have a small (and I stress,
 >Dave> _small_) chance of working:

 >Dave> 1. Boot DOS and run any MWave modem initialization.  2. Run
 >Dave> LoadLin to boot into Linux.  3. Run DOSEmu and open a DOS
 >Dave> session, loading the necessary MWave drivers to use the modem.
 >Dave> 4. Run a DOS comm package under DOSEmu.

 >Dave> (Steps 1-2 may be redundant, in which case booting directly
 >Dave> into Linux using a bootdiskor LILO should be fine).

 >Dave> I'd appreciate hearing whether this actually works...

I have tried exactly this about six months back when first set up
Linux on my 755CD and this does not work.

Vishy Swaminathan