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tp560 + w95 + combo card


i have a tp560 + megahertz xjem3336 combo card (ethernet + modem).
it works nicely under win95.

one question though:  is there a way to switch from an ethernet
connection (at the office) to a modem connection (at home) without
having to reboot the computer?  the problem is that i use ppp
for the modem connection, and i have to turn off the ethernet part
of the card (my computer -> properties -> device manager) and then
reboot, otherwise the ppp connection won't work.  any suggestions?

also, i have by mistake erased the "thinkpad tools" group, and i
would appreciate someone telling me what it included.  i remember
things like "change battery", etc., but i could not find anything
like it.


        Prof. Sergiu Hart
          Department of Mathematics and Department of Economics
MAIL:   Center for Rationality and Interactive Decision Theory
          The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
          Feldman Building, Givat Ram
          91904 Jerusalem, Israel
FAX:    +972-2-6513681
PHONE:  +972-2-6584135/6
E-MAIL: hart@math.huji.ac.il
WWW:    http://www.ma.huji.ac.il/~hart