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Re: TP701, port replicator, and Win95 problems

Here are my settings.  Yours should me corrected to the same settings via
the ThinkPad configuration settings.  They are as follows:

Multiport II:

Serial _1 (0x3f8, IRQ 4
Infrared - disabled
Serial Port_2 0X2F8, IRQ 3
Par/Disk - Par._2, alt epp, 0X378, IRQ5
Par. Port - Par. _1 )X3BC, IRQ 7
Audio Port - Port 0X22, IRQ 10, DMA0

Go to your setup, "Fn. F1", modify these settings...(if you know how...it
is not hard to learn)

Then go to Control Panel in Win/95, then system, then device manager, click
all the "+"'s and then delete the Ports, Ser. and Par., and delete the
sound.  Don't panic...deleting will be your friend.

Then shut down your computer...turn it off!!!

Now turn it back on...and Win/95 will automatically reinstall your
hardware.  Have your Win/95 disks or CD ROM handy if it needs any drivers.

This method should work without a hitch.  Win/95 will solve the conflicts
and give you a properly operating computer.  Let me know if it works for

Finally, IBM customer support can walk you through the entire process...no

Bill Pratt, Bellevue, WA
"No matter where you go...there you are"!

> From: Ziad Munson <munson@wjh.harvard.edu>
> To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
> Subject: TP701, port replicator, and Win95 problems
> Date: Thursday, February 20, 1997 10:08 AM
> Hello,
> I have a 701CS running Win95 and am trying to get the parallel port on
> port replicator to work.  Win95 disables it because of resource
> specifically, the interrupt request settings-- with the ESS AudioDrive
> the number 2 parallel port (which I'm assuming is the disk drive?).  The
> problem is that the computer won't let me change any of these setting
> manually; when I try, I get a "this setting cannot be changed" error.  
> Have any other people had this problem?  Any ideas on a solution?  
> Thanks for your help,
> Ziad
> ***********************************************************
> * Ziad Munson               phone:           617-483-3483 *
> * Department of Sociology   fax:             617-496-5794 *
> * Harvard University        email: munson@wjh.harvard.edu *
> ***********************************************************