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TP701, port replicator, and Win95 problems


I have a 701CS running Win95 and am trying to get the parallel port on the
port replicator to work.  Win95 disables it because of resource conflicts--
specifically, the interrupt request settings-- with the ESS AudioDrive and
the number 2 parallel port (which I'm assuming is the disk drive?).  The
problem is that the computer won't let me change any of these setting
manually; when I try, I get a "this setting cannot be changed" error.  

Have any other people had this problem?  Any ideas on a solution?  

Thanks for your help,


* Ziad Munson               phone:           617-483-3483 *
* Department of Sociology   fax:             617-496-5794 *
* Harvard University        email: munson@wjh.harvard.edu *