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Re: Boot Manager - win95 and os/2

> I have a 2.1 Gb drive on my thinkpad.  I would like to have both OS/2 and
> Win95 on the same drive with boot manager.  Here is my problem.  I wnat
> three partitions.  The first the win95 boot partition.  The second, the
> OS/2 boot partition.  And the third a shared partiion ( would be D for
> both boots ).  I have several software packages which run on both
> platforms and I want the share data.  The problem is this:
> The third drive will be the last 350 Mb ( or so ) of the physical disk.  I
> can't format using FAT because it won't work in any sectors past the first
> 1Gb on a physical disk.  If I format using HPFS ( OS/2's format ), Win95
> can't read it.  If I format using Win95's Fat32, I don't think that the
> OS/2 partition can read it.

First, my suggestionis that you first install bootmanager ( it's installed
as a primary partition ) in the beginning of you harddrive. You can then
install the primary partitions  ( those for OS/ and win 95 ) at the end of
the harddrive. Finaly you create the logical partition in the free space
that you have left on the drive. I only see one problem with your
partitioning scheme. Boot manager willl only allow you to boot from
partitions that are less than 512 Mb. As I understand at least one of your
partitions will be bigger than that, so you might want to rethink the way
you want to partition.

I also believe that FAT will allow you to format the parts of the disk
that you are using. I have successfully done this myself with PC-DOS 6.3.

For your information, there is a driver for OS/2 that will allow it to
read FAT32, so you might want to get a hold of it.

If you have any more questions about this, feel free to send me a mail.

LArs Evensen, Overordnet TillitsValgt (OTV) ved FIM, NTNU
E.B.Schieldrops Vei 11-16             E-mail : larsev@fm.unit.no
7033 Trondheim                        WWW : http://www.fm.unit.no/~larsev/
Norway                                Phone :  + 47 - 73 88 89 01