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RE: Boot Manager - win95 and os/2


When I got my Thinkpad it was formatted with a *single* partition but could
run Win 3.11 or OS/2 - I know that OS/2 permits itself to be installed on a
DOS partition, which is what was being exploited here. I presume the latest
release of OS/2 also permits this.

You mention that you can't format FAT beyond 1GByte, so why not format
the *first* partition (i.e. nowhere near 1G) as your shared data partition,
using the OS/2 boot manager or something like LILO to boot from the
appropriate partition subsequently.

My ignorance of OS/2 may mean I'm just spouting garbage, but maybe this'll
give you some ideas anyway.



From: 	Mark M. Ingerman[SMTP:ingerman@chelsea.ios.com]
Sent: 	Samstag, 25. Januar 1997 14:04
To: 	Thinkpad Forum
Subject: 	Boot Manager - win95 and os/2

I know this is more like an operating system question and not a thinpad
question, but people on this list seem very knowledgable in these areas -
so here it goes.

I have a 2.1 Gb drive on my thinkpad.  I would like to have both OS/2 and
Win95 on the same drive with boot manager.  Here is my problem.  I wnat
three partitions.  The first the win95 boot partition.  The second, the
OS/2 boot partition.  And the third a shared partiion ( would be D for
both boots ).  I have several software packages which run on both
platforms and I want the share data.  The problem is this:

The third drive will be the last 350 Mb ( or so ) of the physical disk.  I
can't format using FAT because it won't work in any sectors past the first
1Gb on a physical disk.  If I format using HPFS ( OS/2's format ), Win95
can't read it.  If I format using Win95's Fat32, I don't think that the
OS/2 partition can read it.

Any suggestions?

Mark M. Ingerman
Creative Software Solutions, Inc.
(508) 394-4266