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Re: Clock doesn't keep time

If the COMS has the correct time/date then you have a s/w problem. Try
booting your system & press F5 when it says starting pc-dos. Let it sit
overnight & see what happends.

Michael Millegan wrote:
> I have noticed that my clock doesn't keep time when I suspend my TP 701c.
> At first I thought it was just Windows 3.1, but this morning even DOS has
> the wrong time.  Yesterday, however, when I went to setup, the CMOS had the
> correct time and date.  Any ideas, is my battery going South?
> I have noticed that the battery drains very rapidly recently.  I will check
> the battery meter and it will say 46 minutes left, and in less than 5
> minutes I get the message that I should change to AC power immediately.
> TIA for any ideas.
> Mike