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Re: CD-ROM for 701 (was: Re: Upgrading a IBM [7]01C)

On Sunday, 17th November 1996, Bryan Daum wrote:

> Where is this [Sony PRD-150 for US] $150 deal?

I'd gotten mine a few months ago at a Micro Center store in Vienna,
Virginia, but it seemed to have been a close-out at the time. I haven't
been tracking the prices since then, so I don't know if it's generally
available now at that price. Perhaps Joerg will mention where he'd heard
about it? Or maybe one of the price-tracking web sites would reveal the
deal's current whereabouts? 

> Also, has anyone actually seen or tried the 32 meg chip? Presuming it
> exists it would be nice if someone posted its effectiveness indeed. 

I've neither seen nor tried it, and judging from the prices that have been 
suggested on the list, I shan't be doing so even if it does exist and 
function in the 701C.
Christian Carey (ccarey@CapAccess.ORG) +1 301 431 0053