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Re: TP701 Hibernation File

	I was referring to "Safe Susend" mode.  What you describe is accurate
for suspend mode, but there is an option for safe suspend in the BIOS.  By
safe, it means that the data is written to the hibernation file as well as
RAM so that, in the event of power loss, you can still resume the system in
the same place you left.  If you'll try this option, you'll see the
"writing to disk" animation come up when you suspend, rather than the
screen just going blank.  This option saved me lots of times when the early
BIOS releases didn't wake up successfully every time.  Sorry I wasn't clear
On Mon, 11 Nov 96 23:57:06 -0100, you wrote:
"the hibernation file has nothing to to with the suspend mode.
"In suspend mode everything is switched off only the RAM is being powered.
"In Hibernation mode *erverything* is switched off and the RAM is beeing written to disk. 
"Hence the name "hibernation file"

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