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Re: 755cx: 16 bit color, heat

On Mon, 28 Oct 1996, Paul Rubin wrote:

> I've mentioned this before but I really don't like the
> heat level current laptops run at.  They seem to 
> like cranking the clock speeds up to just short of
> meltdown.  Then if process improvements cut the cpu power
> consumption at a given clock rate, rather than letting
> the chip run cooler, they crank up the clock some more.
> I'd much rather have a cool-running 100 mhz machine than
> a blistering hot 133 mhz machine.

I'll say it again.  Intel CPUs have a halt instruction built in.
Linux uses it and runs cool on my 701.  I hear OS/2 uses it as
well.  Windows 95 does not and runs almost unbearably hot.  I don't
know about Windows NT.  I can make Linux run as hot as Win95 by
leaving a processor-intensive background task running.  Nag Microsoft
to fix Windows.
John H. Kim