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Re: Introduction/IBM/NT4.0

On Oct 14,  6:13pm, Steve Hultquist wrote:
> Subject: Re: Introduction/IBM/NT4.0
> John,
> It is highly unlikely that you'll get any help from IBM by posting to 
this list
> or the newsgroups.  If you want help, please call the IBM service 
number that
> you got with the machine.
> While there may be IBM people watching these groups, I suspect they 
> technical folks and those that own Thinkpads for their own use, and 
these are
> certainly not official service channels!
> ssh
>-- End of excerpt from Steve Hultquist


Thanks for the advice. I've called IBM several times during the last few 
months and probably got most of their 800 numbers memorized.

With the Internet being used by more people around the world to exchange 
ideas and problems they encountered, I think it's great that I could 
find out about certain products problems and features by searching for 
them in newsgroups or mailing lists like this instead of listenning to 
the marketing hypes that companies put out in ads. Have you seen the 
recent postings regarding problems with USR modems? 

At my company, we search the newsgroups for anything that mention our 
company name to see if it's good or bad and to help peolple who needed 
it. With people's ability to make their problems known to millions of 
other users in an instant, I think it's one more weapon in the consumer 
arsenal and any company whom wanted to stay alive in this global economy 
should pay closer attention to what the customers are saying.

I think I've said enough about this. Sorry if you don't agree but I 
believe in freedom of speech and open discussions.

John Pham