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Re: Introduction

I haven't piped in for a long time but I will second the switch to
windows95.  95 has much more robust error handling than 3.1x, an
application may crash but the system usually will not hang.  As for
cluster size management, I cannot speak highly enough of Partition Magic.
For me the only drawback is the lack of full ext2fs (linux) support.  The
PLUS add on for win95 is nice especially for the system agent and
drivespace3 features, as for the other bits I will quote bill the cat

.02 for what its worth,

Bennett Feitell
p.s. is anyone here playing with NT Workstatiion 4.0?

TP355 Mono (dead screen ext. Mon. still running!). 

On Sat, 12 Oct 1996, epbrown wrote:

> Date: Sat, 12 Oct 1996 20:39:05 GMT
> From: epbrown <epbrown@enteract.com>
> To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
> Subject: Re: Introduction
> On Sat, 12 Oct 1996 20:21:49 +0000, you wrote:
> "I have a TP701c (8MB, 360MB HD) that I use in my job as a high school math
> "and computer science teacher in San Antonio, TX.  
> "
> "I am particularly interested in dealing with configuration problems that I
> "have expereinced since I partitioned my HD to cut down on cluster size.  The
> "included Central Point Backup program performed rather inconsistently as did
> "the diskette factory program provided to create system, windows 3.11 disks,
> "and backups of bundled software.  I think I have resolved most of the
> "problems, but occassionally get GPF's and VxD errors in very inconsistent
> "patterns.  Has anyone else had these problems?
> 	Well, CPB failed me miserably as well, but Diskette Factory did make my
> set properly.  I don't recall it backing up the bundled software, but I'm
> one of those people who dumps everything but the OS anyway.
> 	Why were you partitioning the drive with only a 360?  I thought DOS
> couldn't get below 8KB/cluster, and that's anything smaller than 500MB.  I
> partitioned my 360 when I installed OS/2, and I didn't noticed any
> improvement in cluster size efficiency.
> 	As for the GPFs and such, welcome to Windows!  I recommend spending a
> couple hundred bucks or so and get 16MB of RAM and the Win95 upgrade - runs
> great on the 701.
> 	epbrown
> epbrown@enteract.com
> Laptop Central
> http://www.enteract.com/~epbrown