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> Okay, I did something stupid.  Can anyone help me out?
> I have been running LINUX on my thinkpad 750.  A friend gave me an unused 750
> hard drive with all the DOS 6.30 software and stuff on it.

Hmm...is this legal?

> I turned on 
> compression succuessfully, and moved the DOS directory to the uncompressed
> drive.  This is all well and good, execpt that, being a UNIX weenie, I assumed
> that the xcopy included recursive directires by default.

I'm not sure what you did here...are you using Stacker?  Doublespace?
Drivespace?  (I don't know what comes standard with IBM PC-DOS).

If what you had was your complete DOS directory on your compressed drive,
used xcopy to copy this direcory (non-recursively) to an uncompressed
drive, then deleted your original DOS directory on the compressed drive,
AND you did not write anything else to the compressed drive, then yes, it
is possible to recover all files deleted on the compressed drive by
using Norton Utilities' unerase (or equivalent).  Note, however, that
you will have to provide the first letter of each file, which may not
be easy to do.  Otherwise, you are probably out of luck.  If all that
you're missing are the DOS files, you can install any version of MS-DOS
6.x on your TP750.  About the only thing missing from MS-DOS, which
is in PC-DOS, are the Phoenix (I think) PCMCIA drivers.  You can get all
other neessary drivers (video, audio, PCMCIA, power management) from
the IBM FTP site (ftp://ftp.pc.ibm.com .. /pub/mobiles or something)
for free.  You can probably get MS-DOS 6.22 for about $25.

> I don't have any
> backup (although I should... i know ... i know) and would like to know if some
> one can tell me how I can get the SYSTEM and DATA directories under the DOS
> directory back?  I doubt this system is under support and IBM isn't very help
> ful about that usually anyway.  Thanks...

Stick with Linux & X.  It's nicer :)
Hope that helps.

> 						Kendall
> kendall@chenoweth.ultranet.com		http://www.ultranet.com/~kendall
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Dave Ahn,  ahn@indigo2.rad.bgsm.edu     "When you were born you cried, and the
           ^^ PLEASE NOTE CHANGE ^^      world rejoiced.  Try to live your life
Medical Visualization Lab, Radiology,    so that when you die you will rejoice,
Bowman Gray School of Medicine           and the world will cry."  -1/2 jj^2