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Re: MicroSolutions portable CD-ROM drives?

I have the 4X one without the sound card at home and use it with my TP755CE
- works fine with NT, 95, Warp, DOS, and Win3.1.  It's not as fast as the
NEC 3XE that I have attached to my docking station at work, but I've been
very pleased with it.

At 02:24 PM 9/25/96 -0700, you wrote:
>Real-To:  billy@mix.com
>Anyone have any experience with these parallel port drives on
>Thinkpads (I have a 755CE)?  All I need is someting to load
>software on to the hard disk and perhaps serve as a read-only
>drive for data - I don't have to boot an operating system from
>it or anything else out of the ordinary.  Just curious how well
>made they are or if there're any problems with them?