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Re: Pcmcia Card and Linux

On Wed, 18 Sep 1996, Joseph Manning wrote:
> > From: Adam Finkelstein <adamf@vtaix.cc.vt.edu>
> >
> > is IBM's 10 Base-T credit card adaptor II work with Linux?
> > Does anyone know? Are the drivers upgradeable to Win95?
>   Yes indeed it does, I'm using one right now and it works very well.
>   I'm running RedHat-3.0.3 "Picasso" Linux, on a ThinkPad-755CX;
>   Linux recognized the card automatically, there was absolutely no
>   tweaking to do.

Well, if you recompile the kernel, you have to rebuild the PCMCIA
services as well.  The version that installs with Picasso is the
version the precompiled kernel looks for, not the version a newly
compiled kernel expects.  At least that was my experience.  (In other
words, keep a copy of the original kernel around until you've tested
to make sure everything works.  Nothing sucks more than having to
reinstall just so you can regain net access to ftp some files.)
John H. Kim