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Re: Problems after installing 32MB upgrade in TP755CD

How much ram did you have before you put in the 32MB?  An early Mwave
problem was that it would choke on computers with >16MB of ram.  And
strangely enough the patch is independent of the Mwave 2.11 drivers, so if
you upgraded from 1.xx of Mwave to 2.11 without installing the patch it
will not work properly.  The windows95 instructions at least are very
adamant about installing the patch first and then the 2.11 drivers.

On Fri, 13 Sep 1996 mfukatsu@gauss.elee.calpoly.edu wrote:

> I just purchased a 32MB Upgrade for my TP755CD and some strange things have
> been happening.  When I turned the computer on, the memory checked OK
> (40576 bytes or something like that).  Then PC DOS seems to boot fine.
> when I start win3.1, the splash screen comes up, goes away and then the
> hourglass shows up.  a second or two later I hear an audible "pop" from my
> speakers (I assume the mwave initializing or something) and then the
> computer freezes.  I can't CTL+ALT+DEL or even turn the computer off with
> the power switch.  I have to pull the battery!
> I ran MSD and it reports that I have NEGATIVE XMS and EMS memory... I
> didn't know it was possible to have negative memory =(
> I then booted into Linux and Linux seemed very happy with everything.
> Next I started the computer bringing up easy setup.  I checked the RAM and
> it tested OK, I checkded the system board and it checked OK.  But when I
> checked the Mwave, I got an error.  Perhaps my problem is an mwave problem?
> If I remove the DRAM card and just use the standard built in 8Megs, I can
> run windows just fine.
> I don't mind using Linux only, but I need windows for certain applications.
> I thought my problem might be that the company sent me the wrong memory.
> The Package said: TP755CX P-75 32 Megs ...  I just assumed that they use
> the same memory.
> Please help....
> -Mike