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Re: TP701cs: 16000KB or 16384KB?

On Wed, 11 Sep 1996, Cho Moon wrote:
> Mine reports 16000KB, and this seems a little strange, as my wife's
> Compaq reports 16384KB.  The reason why I'm asking this is that I'm
> running into some nasty fatal errors and I wonder if this is due to
> the used memory chips that I installed.

  This is common on many PC's and is very historical.  Out of the first 
1MB block of memory the 8086 addresses 640K was used for DOS and the rest 
was mapped for various I/O functions.  1024K-640K=384K..  =)

  Some motherboard/chipset combinations are capable of relocating the 
384K of RAM "underneath" this I/O range out of the reserved area.
