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TP701cs: 16000KB or 16384KB?


Is there anybody out who has 16MB of memory on 701cs?  Could you tell
me how much memory it reports at the boot time?

Mine reports 16000KB, and this seems a little strange, as my wife's
Compaq reports 16384KB.  The reason why I'm asking this is that I'm
running into some nasty fatal errors and I wonder if this is due to
the used memory chips that I installed.

Any help would be appreciated.

All the best,

Cho Moon
| Cho W. Moon                                                           |
| Lattice Semiconductor,  1820 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7425  |
| (408) 428-6400x250 (voice) (408) 944-8444 (fax) cmoon@latticesemi.com |