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Re: multiple different tcp/ip settings

On Mon, 9 Sep 1996, Steve Hultquist wrote:

> >>>>> "Ben" == Ben  <ben@edelweb.fr> writes:
>  >> You might want to pick up the TCP/IP Switcher shareware.  It makes it
>  >> pretty easy to do this (and no rebooting!).
>  Ben> Altavista finds it for Mac but not for Win95.  Is there a Win95 version?
> I think I found it either at www.shareware.com or www.windows95.com.
> ssh

I'm not sure, but I think I read somewhere that mircosoft has added some
new features to Win95 ( such as a scripting language for ISPs - I now use
Rob-Dunn ).  I thought I read that tcp/ip support was also improved.  It
may be in either the path ( on the microsoft web page ) or in the PLUS
package ( I think it is about $30 ).

I have been meaning to look into this;  I also need multiple tcp/ip
configurations.  If I find something, I will let you know.  If you find
something, please post me a note.

Mark M. Ingerman
Creative Software Solutions, Inc.
(508) 394-5899