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Re: Performance, Size, Weight, etc.

>>>>> "Randy" == Randy Whittle <whittle@usc.edu> writes:

 Randy>         In fact, it is perhaps for that reason, that I kinda got hooked
 Randy> on the HP 100LX three and a half years ago (I just recently bought a
 Randy> 200LX because my trusty 100LX started to fritz-out on the screen).  At
 Randy> the size of about 4 checkbooks stacked on top of each other and a
 Randy> weight of 11 oz., its the *one* computer I can *always* carry with me,
 Randy> no matter what.  It works for me in many senses (contacts/phone
 Randy> numbers, appointments/scheduling, notes, minor editing of text files,
 Randy> etc.).  In fact, I find the built-in 1-2-3 spreadsheet *very* useful on
 Randy> a frequent basis, even though I'm an Excel afficianado.  It allows me
 Randy> to whip out some financial models on a moment's notice with no
 Randy> difficulty at all, despite that I prefer Excel in Windows--ut pulling
 Randy> out my notebook machine isn't always an option, and its a *lot* slower
 Randy> to get up and running.  The LX turns on *instantly* and I'm in
 Randy> business--turns off just as instantly.

 Randy>         But of course, I don't find the LX adequate for many other
 Randy> uses, not the least of which is E-mail & internet stuff (though I do
 Randy> know of *many* people who actually USE the LX to do these things!).

Man... I used a Nokia 9000 when I was in Germany earlier this year.  Now *that*
is a machine I could get used to.  It's a cell phone.  Well, a speaker-phone
cell phone.  With built-in ISDN PPP.  And a telnet client.  And a POP mail
agent.  And a Web browser (it even does graphics!).  Name/address, and on and
on.....  That will be my primary portable machine as soon as we can do GPM or
equivalent in the US....
